Free photoshop tutorial how to create an image or logo of Head Phone for audio website template.
[1]- First of all open a new document
size 400x400 pixelRGB color mode.
[2]- Now create a new shape help by the
Rectangular marquee tool as shown below
[3]- Create a new Layer1
from the Layer palette
[4]- Fill the Black color help by the Alt+Backspace
now press the Ctrl+D to deselect
[5]- Now go to Filter>Distort>Polar Coordinates
and use the following settings
| |
[6]- Now select the Move tool and
Press the Ctrl+T now right click
and select the Flip Vertical
[7]- Double click on this layer1
and select the Satin from the
layer style now use the settings below
[8]- Now your image should lool like this
[9]-Select the Elliptical marquee
tool with Add to selection.
[10]- Create a new layer2
from the layer palette
[11]- Create a new shape
help by the Marquee tool
[12]- Fill the Gray and white color
help by the Radial Gradient tool
[13]- Now your image
should look like this
[14]- Press the Ctrl+J and
drag it shape help by the
Move tool Now press the Ctrl+T
and right click noe select the
Flip Horizontal after
that Press the Enter key
[15]- Double click on this Layer1
after that Layer2 and select the
Drop Shadow now use the settings below
[16]- Your image should look like this
[17]- Type any compny name help by the
Text tool as shown below And now your
image has been completed
From photoshopzilla
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